Corporate Information

Name Of The Company

Singer (Sri Lanka) PLC

Legal Form

Public company with limited liability Incorporated as a public company in Sri Lanka on 30th December 1974 under the Companies Ordinance and re-registered under the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 on 13th June 2008.

Founded in 1877 as a branch of Singer Sewing Machine Company, USA. The shares of the Company are listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange. Accounting Year: 31st March.

Registered Office

No. 112, Havelock Road,
Colombo 5, Sri Lanka
Telephone: 94-11-2316316 (13 lines)
Facsimile: 94-11- 2423544

Company Registration Number

New - PQ 160
Old - PBS 802 (S.P.)

Tax Payer Identification Number




  • Bank of Ceylon
  • Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Hatton National Bank PLC
  • MCB Bank
  • Nations Trust Bank PLC
  • NDB Bank PLC
  • Pan Asia Bank PLC
  • People's Bank
  • Seylan Bank PLC
  • Sampath Bank PLC
  • Standard Chartered Bank (Sri Lanka) Limited
  • The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking
  • Union Bank PLC


Chartered Accountants
No. 32A, Sir Mohamed Macan Markar
P.O. Box 186,
Colombo 3

Registrars & Company Secretaries

Hayleys Group Services (Private) Limited.
No. 400, Deans Road,
Colombo 10,
Sri Lanka.


Neelakandan & Neelakandan
Attorneys-at-Law & Notaries Public
M&N Building (Level 5)
No. 2, Deal Place
Colombo 3



  • Mohan Pandithage Γ’β‚¬β€œ Chairman (Executive)
  • Mahesh Wijewardene Γ’β‚¬β€œ Group Chief Executive Offcer
  • Deepal Sooriyaarachchi
  • Dumith Fernando
  • Hisham Jamaldeen
  • Sarath Ganegoda
  • Dilip Kumar De Silva Wijeyeratne
  • Gayani De Alwis
  • Sujeewa Perera (Alternate to Mahesh Wijewardene)
  • Kapila Perera (Alternate to Hisham Jamaldeen)
  • Ramesh Chitrasiri (Alternate to Sarath Ganegoda)

Senior Management